seguro de bote y motos acuáticas
Las pólizas de seguro de embarcaciones protegerán a los navegantes en caso de fatalidad

La mayoría de las pólizas ofrecen:
Responsabilidad por lesiones corporales y daños a la propiedad.
Medical payments for you and your passengers in case of an accident. It also covers you, if you are injured while riding in someone else’s car, walking, or riding a bike.
Integral y Colisión
Uninsured or underinsured driver. Pays if you’re hit by someone who doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough cover to pay your auto repair and medical bills. Plus, it covers your belongings if you have a hit-and-run accident.
Navegantes sin seguro
Personal injuries. It’s similar to medical payments coverage, but it also pays for lost wages and other non-medical costs.
Pagos Médicos
Personal injuries. It’s similar to medical payments coverage, but it also pays for lost wages and other non-medical costs.
Reposición de efectos personales
Medical payments for you and your passengers in case of an accident. It also covers you, if you are injured while riding in someone else’s car, walking, or riding a bike.
Remolque en el agua
Uninsured or underinsured driver. Pays if you’re hit by someone who doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough cover to pay your auto repair and medical bills. Plus, it covers your belongings if you have a hit-and-run accident.
Asistencia en carretera
Personal injuries. It’s similar to medical payments coverage, but it also pays for lost wages and other non-medical costs.
Responsabilidad por contaminación o derrame de combustible
Personal injuries. It’s similar to medical payments coverage, but it also pays for lost wages and other non-medical costs.